Alexey Klokov as an apocrypha’s creator

Alexey Klokov is an inborn meaning creator. He’s a master of composition rodeo tempering the Past and the Future as his horses that stamp out any inadequate actions. He simply tames the time without resorting to intrusive training receptions of seconds and centuries. Here Alexey unwittingly justifies his name. For English speakers, “Klokov” sounds like “Clock-off” which can be interpreted as a state of indifference to the standard calendar as you live in your own. The exclamation “I’m over-clock-offing!” refers to “I am overwhelmed with creative ideas without giving up into banality!”

Alexey’s landscapes as well as his figurative and abstract paintings seem to be the extraterrestrial permits to the tunnels that connect extremely different genres and/or styles. We may also denominate his painting as a laboratory of a medieval alchemist-prophet. Anyone can drink all of these visual remedies through one’s eyes and catch the mastership of a new dimensions’ discovery!

Willie Melnikov,

photographer, cultural scientist, poet.

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